SB PHOTOS          back 

photo: ted grudowski


jan pulseford 
cyndi lauper
in the studio, 1996


photo: ted grudowski


jan, cyndi, sb
men are from mars,
women use karate
ms studios, 1996


photo: ted grudowski

cyndi and jan at ms
rifff sessions, 1996


photo: chris murphy


sb belltown
bass tracking 1995


photo: H. Matsua


sb busking
(hong kong, 1989)


sbpractice.jpg (20933 bytes)
photo: Valentina Fusari


sb practice
(mendoza, argentina, 1997)


marylou1.jpg (24372 bytes)
photo: Sanford Ponder


sb and mary lou
deep music studios, LA, 1993
"real" recording sessions


© 2002 Steve Ball