Jump to a specific date this week July 10Tuesday July 11 31 Wednesday July 12 Thursday July 13 Friday July 14 Saturday July 15 13 Sunday July 16 Previous weeks Monday July 10 Fun and productive SGC rehearsal at Bob and Jaxie's. Some preparation for our first rehearsal with Tobin on Wednesday evening. Then back to work to transform some complicated Visio nonsense into simple communication that a fifth grader can understand. How to explain an extremely complex problem simply? How to explain complex solutions simply? A challenge that has me up late. * * * Tuesday July 11 Another late one. 2:21am now. Can't I leave this diary alone? Every Sunday evening, there is a chore of preparing the template for the next week. Didn't happen last night, but I cannot put it off another day, or the whole week will be lost. Just got off the phone with England. Many observations, too many to list here - - must sleep now. * * * Wednesday July
12 SGC Rehearsal was the highlight of the day - Tobin showing us 'Groove Penetration' again. Such raw talent in his hands. Wish it could make it out to more people, more often. All it would take is a commitment to work with a group for a period of time... * * * Thursday July 13Dinner with JudyN this evening. Great ambience, great atmosphere, great conversation, and great company. Judy has lived many lives, and she operates above the line. We are blessed to have her wisdom in action at BootlegTV. * * * Good phone conversation with BillR this morning. Chris Connelly is finally coming back to town to complete the recording/writing project they began over two years ago. Great collaborators - I wish them musical success. Then, much luck with the commerce to follow. * * * From the sb.com mailbag:
And my very serious response:
* * * 12:10am home. Long day ahead tomorrow. * * * F riday July 14Wow. What a turning point today. Powerhouse meetings from 8am to noon. Batta-bing, batta-bang. Then a noon all hands meeting that really felt like all hands coming together in one big thunderclap. I was even getting choked up by the end of the meeting. Total awe at the talent, commitment, and dedication in this room. Bang - hope is born again via some excellent comments and video showmanship from HansR, KenT, MichaelS, ChristianVB, KevinM, and GregoryD. * * * Meeting with BarbaraM and KenS at Chez Shea at the end of the day. Ken is a former Posie, and a current parttime Saltine/REM participant. Some intriguing conversation about some potential product ideas. Great energy. BarbaraM rocks. Have I mentioned that yet? BarbaraM is good work. Heart, soul, integrity. Nuff said. * * * Saw BillR briefly in the office today. A ghost passing in the hardwood and brick * * * Finally, a long overdue dinner with Mark Long at Cyclops. Inspiring conversation from this world-class entrepreneur. An early advisor to BTV -- Mark is also good work. Sleeping this evening feeling the warmth of a week of hard work, persistence, and relentless refusal to accept the lowest common denominator. Many challenges just ahead, but a good night's sleep and a day off are also on the agenda. * * * Saturda y July 1512:36am. Just back from a highly musical event at John Henning's place. Like last time, it was a very valuable evening, all around. During the SGC set, I made a pile of egregious mistakes and contributed some prime clammage. I might blame playing in the dark or cold, but no,... it was actually far simpler that that: I was distracted and unable to focus this evening. Carrying some heavy thoughts around today. But overall, in spite of my own shortcomings, there was still music in the air. Bloed Spoed Rocked, and Forty-Nine was sublime. I wore yellow in spite of obvious and totally predictable objections. I need this bold sunny courage in my life. I really enjoyed the Rep Circle and the Scott Adams sets which came before ourse. Stephen Golovnin also opened with two well executed Bach cello suites. Very nicely done, and great tone from an Ovation, if you can believe it. The Repertoire Circle is making great headway. My only observation: I wish they would leave the past behind and adopt a full repertoire that is appropriate for this time and this place. Rushing through Thrak has (perhaps) some vague historical value, but that piece was born for a specific purpose and presented in a particular time and place for a particular team. So, what is necessary for this team? Certainly, blindly mimicking the past is not. * * * There is a can opener traveling quietly around town this week, opening cans filled with worms. Had a piece of my canned heart opened gently this morning. The universe has an oblique, but definite purpose -- God only knows what it is. Quiet prayers tonight for suffering friends. * * * Sunday July 16 Just home from a late night rendezvous with Bill Rieflin in Belltown, my new neighborhood. It is official: I will be moving back downtown sometime in August. Had a very decisive weekend... Bill is busy preparing for a week of recording, so tonight was our last time to get together for awhile outside of BTV. I will be traveling next weekend to Chicago and SF. Nuff said for now. * * *