Jump to a specific date this week October 02Tuesday October 03 31 Wednesday October 04 Thursday October 05 Friday October 06 Saturday October 07 13 Sunday October 08 Monday October 09 Previous weeks Monday October 02 Back in NYC. 10:00am Saw Barbara Walters going up the elevator. Saw Peter Jennings from the visitors area above the news room. Insights into the world KevinM left to come to BTV. 2:00pm 4:30pm * * * Tuesday October 03 Fly to Washington National, then, train to Bethesda, MD. All day meetings with another major entertainment/news/media organization. Some interesting discoveries. A poorly timed fire alarm prevents us from having a late lunch at McCorrmick and Schmicks. Fly back to NYC early evening. 9:00 -11:00pm Beginning to get a sore throat. * * * Wednesday October
04 10:20am 2:00pm-4:00pm 5:00-7:30pm 8:30-11:00pm * * * Thursday October 05 10:30am 11:00 am 12:30 - 2:00pm 3:00 pm 9:30-11:30 pm Sleeping in my own bed for a change. Nice to be home. Hope to unpack sometime before I have to leave again in one week. * * * F riday October 06Back in the office today. Constantly impressed by CarmineM, BruceH, and the growing dev team. Hope springing up all over the office. Late afternoon meetings at MS. More hope boinging around this evening. Still fighting a sore throat. I'm in denial. Can't afford to be ill. * * * Saturda y October 07Sitting at Curt's this morning. A sneezy morning. But the time flew by. Then, breakfast with TobinB, BillR, and CurtG as the Travii and SteveE marched off to rehearsal. Rumor is they have a gig tonight in Ballard. May have to drop in on them. Post-brunch 3 hour meeting with CVB on Queen Anne, then home for some major domestic tasks. * * * Sunday October 08 Excellently honorable show last night by Triptych and Electrochakra. Wow. Something seems to be going on in the Seattle music scene. BenS is back in action. Seattle GC who's who in the audience: CurtG, DebraG, JT, TobinB, PeterK, CyrenaS. Nice to see DebraG out and about. We may meet up in NYC week after next. Apparently, our old friend, LauraP is extremely pregnant, and Debra is going out to visit. I have not seen LauraP since 1995 -- we had dinner together with David Sylvian in London after the Royal Albert Hall KC show. My time is flying. * * * Early breakfast regarding this morning, exploring a possible future. Then a good meeting with the core BN team, going over the PPT one more time before diving into a week of focus on fund-raising. * * * Many, many unreturned communications this weekend, continuing to pile up. Spent some time this evening going through email and hitting the big <delete> to thousands of unread messages. Also, some brief messages to those who have been waiting for a response. * * * Most important part of my evening: two+ hours of work on my Ovation. Such simple joy, to touch this instrument. At times, this instrument has been an extension of my body. Tonight, it fits like an old friend. * * * Monday October 09 Good SGC rehearsal this evening. Spirited first half; bogus Chinese food during the break, then a metroomic second half. Felt very tired by about 10:45. Much tasteless humor flying about most of the evening. * * * Exactly 364 days ago, I began a public, online diary as part of the Seattle AAD course. My intention for this project was to publish a public diary writing as a means of documenting my work on the course, both for myself, and for those participating at-a-distance. After the course, I kept writing, and decided to commit to keeping a public diary for at least one year. That year is coming to an anniversary tomorrow, Tuesday. To celebrate this completion and this anniversary, I plan to take an intentional break from public diary writing until November 6th. Many things are changing on both micro and macro scales in my life and in the lives around me. These ongoing, evasive, poetic diary entries do not do the real (although highly private) events justice, so best to be intentionally absent for this period than to be half-heartedly present. New worlds may be opening up by the time I return in November. Hope to see you there. Best wishes,