Jump to a specific date this week Sunday September 17 Previous weeks Sunday September 17 tears on the sleeve of a
man maybe a bright sandy beach somethings are melting now and Greg he writes letters
with his birthday pen - Tori Amos Tori has been on constant rotation at home and in my car since last week. Under the Pink at home, and Boys for Pele in the car. This is progressive rock. Intelligent, articulate, asymmetrical, complex, subtle, bombastic, and intuitive. All of this rich music and relation poetry is somehow pouring out of the voice of someone who is unafraid to tell it as she sees it, even if it sounds nonsensical, insane, non-commercial, and oblivious to industry trends. * * * Some major transitions peaking today: letting go and wishing my dear friends and family well. * * * Up early to sit, practice, and prepare for SGC shows at Seattle Art Museum. Even one measley beer with Tobin, Curt, and Bill last night has affected my cloudy head this morning. I was not cut out to drink. Now into the day. A new day. * * * 2:47pm. Home from two shows at Seattle Art Museum. Wow. We played an amazing Cloud of Unknowing before Trapiche at each show -- who was playing this music? Wow: excellent listening, call and response, theme and variations, tonal movement, rhythmic counterpoint, dynamics, great fun, and a great audience. We do well when we play at SAM. The good news: we have another SAM gig a week from Thursday. * * * I plan on having dinner with Christian and Tina later this evening. My nature abhors a vacuum. Especially today. * * * My personal mail seems to be bouncing back again -- wish I had time to shop for a better ISP. * * * Dinner with C and T was a complete joy. Good people, excellent food, and a perfect way to complete this Sunday. * * * 11:48pm. Turns out I have to make a trip to SF at 10am with CVB tomorrow afterall. Travel logistics are now confirmed, last minute, as usual. I feel very tired of chasing. The next 48 hours will set the trajectory for the next six months. Time to consolidate and execute. No public writing until I return on Tuesday evening. * * *