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  Monday December 17 
Tuesday December 18 
Wednesday December 19 
Thursday December 20 
Friday December 21 
Saturday December 22 
Sunday December 23 
Read the archive
Monday December 24 
Tuesday December 25 
Wednesday December 26 
Thursday December 27 
Friday December 28 
Saturday December 29 
Sunday December 30 

Monday December 17

Back to work after a two week 'diary vacation', and two full weeks of roller coaster intensity.  Left an emotional weather report of sorts.

Preparing for the (solo) trip to visit my parents and sisters and what feels like a very solo return. 

News flash:  I am really depressed.  It is not the weather.  And, it is nothing to worry about. 

Perhaps just something to notice next time ( I/you/we ) find ( myself/yourself/ourselves ) flinging flippant semi-might-be-humorous-under-different-circumstances ironies between the cracks of deafly dueling monologues.

< Wow.  Chill out, Pelota. >

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I get soooo much junk email these days; perhaps this is one of the hidden costs of having a stable email address for so long.  It is growing ever more difficult to weed out the urgent from the relevant from the sales pitches. 

One bit of relevance: intriguing mail from BillR this evening regarding the deceptively simple and seemingly unusual practice of doing what we say.

Seems many things are moving within the inwards/innards of the Seattle community.

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Tuesday December 18

A wonderful day all around.  Up very early for a doctor's appointment (not mine) then much accomplished before the emails began pouring in and the phone started ringing and the meetings began.

A few seemingly minor but significant milestones today:

  • Congrats to SteveT for getting the call he's been waiting for.
  • Evening relaxation: installed and played and early Christmas gift ("The Sims") for about 1/2 hour with my best friend. 
  • Persistence from CarmineM who has been trying to reach me since early last week.  I will call him tomorrow en route to Christmas break.

Likely to be offline for the next seven days.  May update and fill in details upon my return.  Or I may simply revert to more Blake-ness.

Merry Christmas, friends everywhere.

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Wednesday December 19


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Thursday December 20


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Friday December 21


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Saturday December 22


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Sunday December 23 - 29

Vacation.  Back here next year.

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